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  1. B. Yang, G. H. Chen, and Guohua Chen (2012). Submerged membrane bioreactor for treatment of simulated restaurant wastewater . Separation and Purification Tchnology, 88, pp.184-190.
  2. Lu H., Ekama G. A, Wu D., van Loosdrecht M. C. M. and G. H. Chen (2012). SANI process realizes sustainable saline sewage treatment for saline water supply: steady-state model-based evaluation of pilot scale trial of the process . Water Research, 46(2), pp.475-490.
  3. D. Wu, H. Lu, H. K. Chui, M. C. M. van Loosdrecht and G. H. Chen (2012). Phosphorus release and up-take during start-up of a covered and non-aerated sequencing batch reactor with separate feeding of VFA and sulfate. Water Science & Technology, 65(5), pp.840-844.
  4. J. Dai, C. Wang, C. Shang, N. Graham and G. H. Chen (2012). Comparison Escherichia coli (E. coli) AMC 198 cytotoxicity by different fullerene suspensions (nC60). Chemosphere, 87. pp.362-368.
  5. H. Lu, D. Wu, F. Jiang, G. A. Ekama, M. C. M., van Loosdrecht and G. H Chen (2012). SANI process realizes sustainable saline sewage treatment for saline water supply: pilot-scale evaluation of the process . Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 109, pp.2778-2789.
  6. F. Xiao, X. R. Zhang, H. Y. Zhai, I. M. C. Lo, G. H. Chen, and G. L. Tipoe (2012). New halogenated disinfection byproducts in swimming pool water and their permeability across skin. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, pp.7112-7119.
  7. Z. Zhou, F. Meng, S-R. Chae, G. Huang, W. Fu, X. Jia, S. Li, and G. H. Chen (2012). Microbial transformation of biomacromolecules in a membrane bioreactor: Implications for membrane. PLos One, 7(8), e40819 22859954.
  8. M. C. M. van Loosdrecht, D. Brdjonovic, H. K. Chui and G. H. Chen (2012). A source for toilet flusing and for cooling, sewage treatment benefits and phorphrous recovery: direct use of seawater in an age of rapid urbanization . Water 21, October, pp. 17-20.
  9. G. H. Chen, H. K Chui, H. Lui, and J. Feng (2012). An innovative Triple Water Supply system and a novel SANI® process to alleviate water shortage and pollution problem for water-scarce coastal areas in China . Journal of Water Sustainability, 2(2), pp.121-129.